13th Chakra
Lord Kuthumi
The Angelic Flame of Divine Mystery
Part 13 of 13
4 April 2009
This the final initiation of this level of Chakric Initations is in celebration of our connection to our higher self which constantly reminds us that our earth contracts are very much about being an active part of the earth experience, yet letting go of being in denial about our natural connection to Home. We come to embrace the culmination of the energy we have gathered over the past 7 months or so with the past 12 activations as we embrace the presence of what is commonly referred to as the 13th chakra as a magnificent shield of Light incorporating the 12 chakric system, the 7 lower and 5 higher chakras. We will also again be made aware of the 5th dimensional aspect of our lower 7 chakras. The energy of the 13th chakra is about the divine mystery of all existence – our connection to Home.
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