Tuesday, 12 April 2011

9th Chakra

Lord Kuthumi

The Reality that in Truth we are not alone.

Part 9 of 13 31 January 2009

During our lives many of us come to a stage and space where we realize that the connections we have with our family, some friends, work colleagues, spouses, siblings etc is not enough to inspire or motivate our being here. Often at times we feel that there must be something more to the life we are living. The activation and initiation of the 9th Chakra serves as an energy platform that stimulates the reality of us not being alone. It is from this part of our energy anatomy that we come to realize the important part we play as Energy Keepers of the Planetary and Galactic Grids.It is from here that one can’t help but take a more intense look at the various aspects of our being still in need of calibration and balance as we venture forth to explore the increasingly intense and powerful energy contained within this centre. It is from this centre that our archetypes as Lightworkers are fully birthed.

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