Monday, 11 April 2011

Balancing the Self

Archangel Michael

22 May 2010

The Higher Self

We are asked to let go, trusting that there is a higher aspect of the self that guide and guard us. We are asked to work with our angelic helpers hearing their call, following their indication. This is in truth what we are blessed with should we but trust it to be so.

The Lower Self

This is our conscious and subconscious which reflects through our vehicles of light and bodies. We often struggle to relate to our spirit bodies or etheric bodies yet we punish the physical over and over for imbalances influenced by life: the physical realities of our emotional, mental and even spiritual experiences which affect the physical

The Balanced Self

AA Michael will share with us on the above two aspects as we come to face the complete self of the physical at the next gathering with Lord Hilarion and Goddess Diana when we shall pass the ‘gate of salvation’ embarking on a new journey of intense and higher communication with and through the self.

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