Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Earth Initiation

Archangel Michael

Earth Element Initiation & Lions Gate 8:8 Stargate to Infinite Abundance celebration. 8 August 2009

The 8:8 Gateway to Infinite Abundance is set to awaken the inner Goddess by inspiring us to get creative. This celebration also reinforces the activation of our Sun Chakra which is overseen by many Beings and Ascended Masters all who inspires us to deeply express ourselves authentically.Archangel Michael will address us on our physical connection to the planet (being an earth element activation) and our choice to do so no matter how intense or tough it gets. Each present will receive a personal tool (symbol and crystal) to use as part of our earth-experience-toolbox as we are encouraged to remain connected to our physical reality whilst trusting our energy expansion process consciously anchoring our star energy as part of our earth reality. This is the 4th Elemental Activation (Earth) , embracing our animal nature within as without, and as we dare to step across the threshold of infinite creativity by expressing our inner desires, trusting them into being.

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