Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Lord Buddha

Death and Rebirth 9.9.9 Celebration

12 September 2009

This time undoubtedly awakens within, every memory still needing balance for the energy of the 999 portal serves as a mass-cleanse in many ways which as always not only affects us lightworkers and Mother Earth but very much every living being upon, within and those surrounding Lady Gaia. The Death or completion aspect of this energy is about moving on, embracing change within our lives, and thus paying attention to letting go of all that no longer needs to be part of us. The rebirth process of this energy presented through this window period of Divine Completion gifts us with new-found energy which serves to inspire us to follow the changes through, and through this create new platforms from whence we shine our light as New-Earth Beacons,the catalysts of the new world order. During this gathering Lord Buddha shall address these prospects. During the energy activation we shall be guided into our own Temples of Light carving our own Ascension Seat from the ethers so that in time we too may open our sacred inner seal of consciousness taking our seat amongst other Masters of Light, and those in the making.

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